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websites , alt.suicide.methods , alt.suicide , alt.depression , talk.euthanasia (ASH) unmoderated newsgroup. Wide-ranging discussions.
Good place to check out if you're feeling suicidal and want to talk with people
who *really* understand (plus occasional trolls or other lowlifes). Not for the
Alt.suicide.methods (ASM) unmoderated newsgroup. Similar viewpoint as ASH,
more focused subject.
Alt.suicide (AS) unmoderated newsgroup. Wider range of views than the previous
Alt.depression (AD) unmoderated newsgroup.
"" domain. [several groups]
ethics readings on the Web Brief
summary and excellent links to a wide range of topics.
Canadian Med. Assn. J. - May 15, 1997 / "Bioethics for clinicians: Euthanasia and assisted suicide." Canadian perspective.
Doctor-Assisted Suicide--a guide to web sites and the literature.
Doctor-Assisted Suicide-- a guide to Journal
and Newspaper Articles.
and Controversies: Assisted Suicide From the folks at "Facts on File".
and Physician Assisted Suicide: All Sides". More light than heat.
Legaldocs. State-by-state Living Will (but not
other end-of-life) documents. (ASH)
website. Frequently Asked
Questions, links.
A Practical Guide to Suicide. Excerpts from newsgroup
Compassion in Dying Helps terminally-ill people "...who choose
rational suicide after reaching the limits of benefit from medical
Encouraging Suicide --
Frequently Asked Questions. A bit
heavy-handed...but different. Well-organized links. However, another site
that avoids mention of "Suicide and Attempted Suicide..."
Euthanasia World Directory. Omits any mention of "Suicide and Attempted Suicide..." both in its "Bibliography of How-to Books" and its "Books" sections. Feel free to write and ask them why.
Last Rights Information Centre. Some good information, but frustrating
American Assn. Of Suicidology. Includes local hotline phone numbers. Site
may use "web bugs".
Depression, Suicide,
& Crisis Web Links at Well organized collection of links. --- “Suicide Prevention, Depression Support, and Anxiety Panic Attacks ... with a sense of humor.”
International Anti-Euthanasia Task
Force Home Page. Good source of
anti-euthanasia/assisted-suicide arguments, links, and data.
MEDLINEplus: Suicide. US gov't
(and gov't-approved) sites.
Mental Health Net - Suicide Resources.
Good links, rates suicide sites.
suicide @ - suicide
information and education.
Suicide Information and Education Center (SIEC) - Suicide prevention, research, and information
on suicide and suicidal behaviour.
Suicide Sites - Mental Health Resources Net Links. Prevention/intervention focus.
Thinking about Suicide. Self-help and suicide prevention info.
Suicide Prevention Programs. CDC website
Rumen Nikolov's site provides an excellent, well-annotated list of consumer- and
professional-level drug-info links. (However, it may contain "web bugs".), formerly "The Mining Company". Provides a good,
annotated list of consumer-level
drug-info links.
Martindale's: huge, comprehensive, overwhelming compendium of medical links.
Consumer-level drug info: USP
Vol-1 drug database.
Drug Infonet. Well-annotated medical-drug
Rx-list. Database of more than 4,000 prescription
and over the counter (US) drug products. The search engine employs 'fuzzy'
logic which enables one to often find a name even when it is misspelled.
Pathology : tutorials, photos, slides.
Zeno's Forensic Medicine
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